Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bear What?

What was I thinking, or was I?

Today I'm watching the Discovery Channel and I am seeing all of these wonderful animals. So they are doing a segment on polar bears and how they are going extinct. I'm watching and watching, then a commercial with panda bears comes on. All out of the blue this question comes to mind, and I even wonder if there are any scientist out there, evil scientist at that, that have attempted this. What would you get if you mated a polar bear with a panda bear? They are both on the endangered species list, why not make a mixed breed? But I guess that would bring about a third animal on the list of endangered species. Crossbreeding bears, I know that somebody out there has thought of this besides me. If it's possible I would not mind seeing it happen.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this would be a cruel act toward the bears, or any other animal? Just think about it, or tell me I'm crazy.

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